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MonoStereo 3D VET

Development History

The minimally invasive surgery (MIS) is a main trend in the surgical community nowadays. This is due to an understanding that minimal interruption of the patient's physiology offers him/her the best chance at a faster recovery after surgery. The development of MIS has been possible due to technological advances in instrument development.

Started at 2008 ,MedicalTek R&D is dedicated to an extensive research project on minimally invasive surgical techniques surgeons. The MonoStereo is developed in collaboration with IRCAD-Taiwan, the most well-known minimally invasive surgery training and education center in Asia. Based on the objective observation on 7000 surgeons from 60 different countries trained in IRCAD Taiwan, and first hand input from 1800 international expert surgeons supervisors, the medical imaging with a software program which makes it possible to instantaneously transform High-Definition 2D images into 3D images intraoperatively.

Product Introduction